Lesson Week

On this page you can find what I have been teaching your children this week for my "lesson Week" 3-12-18


                        Science: Today the students learned about animal habitats and what types of animals live in the artic, desert, rain forest, and ocean. They played games and got to build their own habitats for thier aniamls of thier choosing. 3-12-18











ELA/ Social Studies: We completed a read aloud this week with the story Chrysanthemum. The students focused on characters emotions. They looked for ways characters faces looked and how their emotions where shown. They also played a review game about nice words they could say to their friends. I will attach the game if the kids would like to play it again and review the story. 3-13-18




 Math:In math we began a new unit about organizing, representing, and interrupting data. The students graphed goldfish crackers and got to take them to lunch with them. They also made a group graph of their favorite color fish.  3-14-18